Friday 23 August 2024

Training sport Bra

Hey everyone, I've got a funny story to share with you all.

So during the 8.8 sale, I ordered a sleeping bra from Shopee, however, turns out it was meant for girls who are just starting to develop! Hais!!.. In my defence, I was drawn in by the price and didn't double-check before I checked out.

When it arrived, I actually took a moment to inspect the quality before tossing it in the washer. But here's the kicker: it was my mom who hung up the laundry, and if it hadn't been for her comment about why I bought a little girl's bra, I would've never suspected anything!

I told Xav about it, and after he double-checked, he laughed like crazy. He even teased me, saying my chest was too big for it and that I must be blind because the description was right there.

So, anyone interested in buying it off me? I might even sell it at a discount!

Friday 2 August 2024


The other day, I had a reunion with my polytechnic friends, and one of them surprised us with the introduction of her fiancĂ©, along with the announcement of their upcoming wedding to which we were all invited. Wanting to make a good impression, I chose a decent outfit for the evening – a black strap dress that elegantly covered up to my knees, even when seated on a high chair.

To my surprise, throughout the evening, I couldn't help but notice that her fiancé seemed to have a peculiar interest in me, particularly my bottom. It was perplexing because my dress was far from short, and even when seated, it didn't reveal anything more than my mid-thigh. I couldn't fathom what he was hoping to catch a glimpse of through the table glass panel.

Frustration building up, I found myself increasingly irritated by his persistent gaze. Eventually, I reached a point where I couldn't take it anymore. Perhaps it was a blend of annoyance and amusement, but I intentionally dropped my glass of water, causing it to spill onto him. The unexpected splash seemed to serve as a reality check, and he finally averted his gaze.