Sunday 23 June 2024

10th Anniversary

Happy 10th Anniversary to both me and my blog! I can hardly believe how quickly time has passed.

Last weekend, I had a remarkable but also disappointing anniversary celebration orchestrated by Xav. My workday came to an end at 17:30 in the evening, and I met up with Xav. What surprised me was that he was behind the wheel that day, which was quite out of character for him. I couldn't help but wonder if there was a special reason for it, although my calendar yielded no clues.

As I pondered the matter, Xav handed me a box, instructing me to open it only once we reached our destination. While en route, we engaged in light-hearted conversation, sharing stories and laughter along the way. Finally, we arrived at the destination, where we were to have our dinner.

Before we left the car, Xav surprised me with a bouquet of delicate flowers. As a girl, my initial thought was that he might be preparing to propose, and my heart raced with anticipation. However, the disappointment soon settled in, as that wasn't the case.

With a mysterious smile, Xav then handed me the box he'd given earlier, revealing a beautiful, mini-slit white dress. Confusion and curiosity swirled in my mind as I tried to make sense of this unexpected gift.

To add to the intrigue, Xav handed me a card just as I was about to ask what was going on. The card bore a heartfelt message, revealing that this day marked the 10th anniversary of my blog. He confessed how much he cherished reading about my life experiences whenever I posted on the blog. His words conveyed his admiration for my writing and how he had been an ardent reader all along.

Xav explained that he had always wanted to celebrate this milestone but hadn't been in a position to do so until the recent year when he finally shared that he'd known about my blog. The dress, he said, was for a special dinner to commemorate this significant day.

Xav had more surprises up his sleeve, and as I prepared to change into the long white dress, I assumed I would be visiting the ladies' room for the outfit switch. However, he had other plans in mind. With a mischievous grin, he suggested I change right in the car, catching me off guard.

As I gathered the courage to change, Xav handed me a small box that contained a pair of X-shaped nipple stickers and a translucent black thong. The unexpected contents of the box left me both intrigued and blushing, and I couldn't help but wonder what other surprises Xav had in store for our anniversary celebration.

To my surprise, the white dress was a perfect fit, draping elegantly above my mid-thigh. As I adjusted my outfit, Xav had a rather unusual request. He insisted that I give him my used thong, and though it puzzled me, I complied with his wish.

We made our way to the restaurant and settled in for our dinner. The food was delectable, and the ambience was lovely, creating an ideal setting for what could have been the perfect moment for a proposal. However, to my disappointment, Xav didn't seize the opportunity to pop the question.

During our dessert, Xav surprised me once more by placing the thong I had given him on the table. He made an unusual request, asking me to use it as a makeshift hair tie. Though I had done this multiple times before, this was the first time he had suggested such a unique accessory.

With a mixture of curiosity and a hint of excitement, I took the thong and carefully used it to secure my hair in a ponytail. The act felt like a private, playful gesture between us, adding a touch of intimacy to our anniversary dinner. We were surrounded by other diners, and the clandestine nature of our little act only heightened the thrill.

I couldn't shake the thought that our unconventional hair tie, its bright blue hue defying convention, might have caught someone's attention.

After indulging in dessert and Xav generously picking up the bill, he suggested that we take a leisurely walk at Yishun Dam, a proposal I readily accepted. As we had to make our way down from the 2nd level, I briefly locked eyes with one of the male waiters who happened to be ascending. In that split second, I had a feeling that he might have caught a glimpse of my panties or my pussy, which caused his face to turn crimson with embarrassment.

To my surprise, Xav was incredibly nonchalant about the situation after I told him. He responded with a lighthearted comment, saying, "Let him see; he can't touch anyway." Damn weird.

After a brief 10-minute ride, we reached Yishun Dam, and I was genuinely taken aback by the bustling crowd that had gathered there. The place was teeming with people engaged in various activities: some were fishing, others jogging, cycling, and a few were simply relaxing near the edge of the cliff, taking in the serene surroundings.

Before we exited the car, Xav handed me a wireless bullet vibrator, which he took out from the glove compartment and instructed me to put it on before we set off. It was a novel request from Xav, something he hadn't done before, but given his plans for the night, I decided to go along with it.
Without wasting any time, I effortlessly inserted the bullet and stepped out of the car. ( I was moist then)

As we continued down the path, I couldn't help but wait anxiously for Xav to activate the bullet, but he didn't. As we proceeded further, I couldn't help but notice the inquisitive and somewhat puzzled looks I received from those who passed by. It seemed as though everyone had their eyes fixed on me, and their expressions conveyed the impression that I was a bit out of the ordinary.

The mystery was soon solved when I realised that the X-shaped nipple sticker, which Xav had playfully given me earlier, was now quite conspicuous under the soft, yellow evening light. 

Once we realised the wardrobe malfunction with the X-shaped nipple sticker becoming all too conspicuous, Xav started to worry, and he decided it was best to return to the car to address the situation. The sudden realisation of the wardrobe mishap led to a shared sense of amusement and a bit of puzzlement. We couldn't help but wonder why this issue hadn't been as noticeable back at the restaurant. Is it due to the change in lighting and surroundings, or is it due to my excitement?

Fearing that our unintentional wardrobe malfunction might result in photos being taken, Xav made the cautious choice to leave Yishun Dam. I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed because I had initially hoped he would at least turn on the bullet while we drove, and would end my naughty anniversary celebration by doing something kinky such as outdoor sex.

I tried to negotiate with him, hoping to change his mind, but he remained steadfast in his decision, valuing our privacy over any additional adventure.

However, after a long and tantalizing persuasion, he finally gave in. Although we didn't end up walking on Yishun Dam, he drove us somewhere far west (near a park). There, in the secluded darkness, we gave in to our desires, and the car became our playground.

 Although our evening had taken an unexpected turn, it was still brimming with memorable moments. The unconventional twist in our plans made this anniversary one that I would cherish and remember always.

Thank you, my dear. 

Saturday 11 May 2024

Profile Pic

Hey guys
I noticed that some of you have been asking about my profile picture and whether it's actually me and CY. Well, I wanted to clarify that for you– yes, it is us.

I understand you guys are worried that exposing our looks will bring us trouble, but please don't worry too much. In real life, it can be quite challenging to recognise us based on that picture alone. So, rest assured, there's no need to be concerned about it. 

Saturday 4 May 2024


Earlier on, we visited Isabel at the hospital where she was admitted for pneumonia. At the beginning, we playfully teased her, joking that she's getting old and such. However, she countered with a humorous claim, saying she got it because she choked on her boyfriend's juice. We all burst into laughter at the joke, and that silly Charmaine even went as far as asking the nurse about it.

To our amusement, the nurse chuckled and clarified that it wasn't the case. Isabel's pneumonia was due to bacteria, a common occurrence lately affecting many people. The nurse took the opportunity to advise us all to drink more water and take good care of ourselves. So, guys, let's stay hydrated and prioritize our well-being, okay?

Friday 5 April 2024

Sexually harassed

I'm really frustrated about what happened yesterday. I was sexually harassed!!! I kind of regret that I did not call the police.

Yesterday, before meeting Xavier at Marine Parade, I thought I'd enjoy some time at the ECP beach but things took an unexpected turn. It was an extra day off for my birthday, which I had taken on yesterday due to the heavy workload. 

I was dressed casually - a shirt with denim shorts, nothing outrageous. I wasn't trying to draw attention. I just wanted to relax in one of the beach huts, out of the sun. That's when this Chinese uncle approached me. He sat next to me and started making conversation. At first, it was just small talk about the weather and if I was there for a barbeque or jogging.

Then he shifted the conversation to his love for evening jogging, and how he enjoyed the scenery. I was just listening, not really engaging, but then he abruptly changed the topic to girls running in sports bras and shorts. He even asked if I would jog in a sports bra, and went on to say how he liked seeing female joggers sweat, making their sports bras cling to them, which will make their boobs more round and obvious.

I felt really awkward and stayed silent, hoping he would stop, but he continued. I got really annoyed when he commented that I would look good in a sports bra, implying my body would be more accentuated. I didn't respond. I stared at him for a moment before getting up and walking away.

Later, I told Xavier about this encounter, and you won't believe his reaction. He said I should have punched the uncle and called the police! Can you imagine!! So violent!!

Friday 22 March 2024

Just a comment

This morning, I found myself embroiled in a heated argument with my mom, all sparked by a thoughtless comment from my aunt. Despite my efforts to stand my ground and assert my innocence, the situation took an exasperating turn when the discussion shifted to my choice of clothing.

The dispute began when my aunt claimed to have seen me jogging in just a sports bra and panties on a specific day. I passionately defended myself, making it clear that I had worn a sports bra that day, but had paired it with black tights. Thankfully, my mom was home when I left that day, acting as a reliable witness to the actual outfit I had chosen. I shudder to think how much longer and more intense the argument might have become if she hadn't been there to support my version of events.

However, in an unexpected twist, the argument pivoted to my current attire – a long tank top that extends down to my mid-thigh, with neither a bra nor shorts. It felt as though the disagreement had taken an unforeseen detour, and I found myself ensnared in what seemed like a trivial misunderstanding.

Saturday 2 March 2024


Recently, I stumbled across something called vabbing on social media. The idea was bizarre as it was using my own juice as perfume. My initial thought was, that this is crazy, but the posts claimed it was all about natural pheromones and attraction. So, in a moment of adventurous spirit, I decided to try it out.

I met up with Xav after his work. As we chatted over our meal, I couldn’t shake off a nagging self-consciousness. As Xav was sitting beside me, every time he leaned in, a part of me screamed internally. He does have a sensitive nose and he knows my smell. His expression changed.

He subtly sniffed the air, a puzzled look crossing his face, and that's when I knew he knew. The silence was deafening. In a moment of uncharacteristic boldness, or maybe it was sheer panic, I blurted out the whole truth. 

Xav's eyes widened in sheer amazement. There was a pause that felt like an eternity. Then, to my surprise, he burst out laughing. He claims that he knew there was something different, but he couldn't quite place it until I told him. 

I was stunned. Here I was, expecting scolding, but instead, Xav seemed genuinely intrigued by the whole concept. Ends up, we spent the next hour talking about the strangest trends. 

Friday 9 February 2024

CNY 24

Can you believe that tomorrow is Chinese New Year again? It feels like time has flown by, and it's been a whole year already. This year marks the year of the dragon, and I want to wish all my readers a year as healthy as a dragon and the ability to soar high like a dragon! Hehe.

I just wanted to give you a quick update before I go to bed. As promised, I'll share what I'll be wearing this year, albeit a bit in advance. I've only bought two outfits for this occasion due to budget.

A pink Clementine Eyelet Cheongsam Dress and a black TDC Blossom Sleeved Romper
From The Design Closets

Actually, I found myself in a bit of a quandary when contemplating the purchase of a third item, a navy blue Omie Embro Floral Lace Cheongsam Dress but Xav pointed out that I already own similar clothing, and acquiring another piece would exceed my budget. Kind of sad. 

Anyway, right now, I don't have any plans for any mischievous ideas, but if I come up with any, I'll definitely update you all.

Happy Chinese New Year in Advance.. Wooohoo