Friday 22 March 2024

Just a comment

This morning, I found myself embroiled in a heated argument with my mom, all sparked by a thoughtless comment from my aunt. Despite my efforts to stand my ground and assert my innocence, the situation took an exasperating turn when the discussion shifted to my choice of clothing.

The dispute began when my aunt claimed to have seen me jogging in just a sports bra and panties on a specific day. I passionately defended myself, making it clear that I had worn a sports bra that day, but had paired it with black tights. Thankfully, my mom was home when I left that day, acting as a reliable witness to the actual outfit I had chosen. I shudder to think how much longer and more intense the argument might have become if she hadn't been there to support my version of events.

However, in an unexpected twist, the argument pivoted to my current attire – a long tank top that extends down to my mid-thigh, with neither a bra nor shorts. It felt as though the disagreement had taken an unforeseen detour, and I found myself ensnared in what seemed like a trivial misunderstanding.

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